Monday, May 11, 2009

See the original image at —

Why this tolerance for torture? - Leonard Pitts Jr. -

May 6, 2009 ... Between 1933 and 1945, as a series of restrictive laws, brutal pogroms and mass deportations culminated in the slaughter of six million Jews ...

...You'd think people who claim connection to a higher morality would be the ones most likely to take the lonely, principled stand. But you need only look at history to see how seldom that has been the case, how frequently my people -- Christians -- acquiesce to expediency and fail to look beyond the immediate.... - 69k - Cached - Similar pages -

Patrick: Mr. Pitts, a Christian himself, takes a look at several historical situations in which too many professing followers of Jesus came down on the wrong side of the ethical divide. I love this article. If every Christian would read it and take it to heart, we'd be better off.

Iraq War -- setting back the cause of Christ

World Blog: No return home for Iraqi Christians?
... In Saddam Hussein's time, there were nearly a million Christians living in Iraq, descendants of the first converts to Christianity in Mesopotamia 2,000 years ago. Legend has it that Saint Thomas, one of Jesus Christ's original disciples, brought their faith here from the Holy Land.

Today there are only about 400,000. The rest have fled abroad....

Friday, May 8, 2009

The GOP's Problems

Patrick J. Buchanan

Some thoughts on the reign of King George II.

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Having lost both houses of Congress and the White House in two straight elections, Republicans are going through an identity crisis, its leaders holding town hall meetings to "listen" to the people. "What should we focus on? Should we drop the social issues? How do we get the young people back?"

Why is the party in trouble? Simple. Dubya got a hold of the keys, got high on neocon hooch, and crashed and rolled the family SUV. He launched an unnecessary war against a country that had not attacked us. With his utopian No Child Left Behind scheme and his Medicare drug plan, he did his passable imitation of LBJ, and blew a hole in the budget.

Touting globalism, he presided over the loss of one in every four U.S. manufacturing jobs and ran up $5 trillion in trade deficits. He refused to defend the Mexican border against an invasion, then pushed an amnesty for the invaders....

Patrick: It seems to me that a good case could be made for the idea that GWBush was a democratic spy, sent in to masquerade as a competent conservative.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some Help For Your Self-Pity

If you've got a problem with self-pity, I think this may help.

Meet Connie Culp before her gunshot injury in 2004.
Attractive, huh?

Now meet her again, after her husband shot her in the face, twice.
The injury not only destroyed her face; it also blinded her.

Then, finally, here is Connie after her recent face transplant.

Connie is thankful for her new face. Do you have anything to complain about?
If so, perhaps you'll be complaining with a bit less energy.

Woman Speaks Out After Husband Shoots Her In Face - News Story ...

Feb 25, 2008 ... HOPEDALE, Ohio -- The injuries Connie Culp suffered on a late night in September 2004 are permanent. Her face is disfigured and she is blind ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages -