Apples and Oranges
by georgia10
Sat Aug 30, 2008 at 06:13:43 AM PDT
Democratic Vice-Presidental Candidate Senator Joe Biden, at the Democratic National Convention:
As we gather here tonight, our country is less secure and more isolated than at any time in recent history. The Bush-McCain foreign policy has dug us into a very deep hole with very few friends to help us climb out. For the last seven years, this administration has failed to face the biggest forces shaping this century: the emergence of Russia, China and India as great powers; the spread of lethal weapons; the shortage of secure supplies of energy, food and water; the challenge of climate change; and the resurgence of fundamentalism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the real central front against terrorism.
In recent days, we've once again seen the consequences of this neglect with Russia's challenge to the free and democratic country of Georgia. Barack Obama and I will end this neglect. We will hold Russia accountable for its actions, and we'll help the people of Georgia rebuild.
I've been on the ground in Georgia, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and I can tell you in no uncertain terms: this Administration's policy has been an abject failure. America cannot afford four more years of this.
Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska for about 18 months, and former mayor of Wasilla, pop. 6000:
I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq.
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