Dollar to Lose 90% of Its Value?
September 23rd, 2008 by Jesse BentonToday’s Radio Broadcast - Robert Blumen
September 23rd, 2008 by Jeff FrazeeWe finally got fed up with the media’s (lack of) coverage of the Austrian school perspective on this financial meltdown. Followers of the Austrian school have been right for years with warning our country of this impending disaster, yet, the media does very little to give us a voice.
Therefore, we are using the power of the Internet to bring you the message you need to hear. All this week the Campaign for Liberty is broadcasting the first hour of Scott Horton’s Antiwar Radio show as he talks with guests about the current financial crisis.
Today on the show Scott will host Robert Blumen. Mr. Blumen is a frequent writer on and He is the author of a great article titled “Is Gold Money?
” and an excellent communinicator on the topic.
Tomorrow on the show will be Ron Paul’s former economic adviser, Peter Schiff, to talk about current events and give advice on how to avoid this crisis.
Please tune in from 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET:
The live feed works with iTunes and Winamp
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If you missed yesterday’s broadcast with Bob Murphy and Mark Thorton you can download the archived MP3 here:
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