Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jason Linkins: Limbaugh Still Controls The GOP

Patrick: I heard Keith Olbermann refer
to "Comedian Rush Limbaugh" 2 or 3 times
in one segment of his program the other
night. Limbaugh is an entertainer, definitely
not an intellectual source for conservatives.
His cheerleading during the Bush-Cheney
fiasco forever discredits him in my mind.
Their unnecessary war in Iraq, illegal phone
taps, imprisoning people without giving them
trials, and adoption of torture were things
that Rush should have criticized -- from a
CONSERVATIVE viewpoint! I never heard
him do that. But I must confess, I didn't listen
to him much. His egotistical style of talking
and his stuttering drive me crazy and I quickly
change the channel. No offense to stutterers.
In Rush's case, it's probably not a true stuttering
problem; it's trying to fill air time with words
and not having as quick a mind as his mouth
pretends to have. The conservative movement
needs a better spokesman than Rush.

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