Neither do I believe in young earth creationism, i.e., that the earth is only a few thousand years old. I think that a high view of Scripture can be reconciled with an old earth view. Here are some links to articles, an audio presentation, and a video debate about that view:
- What do major Christian leaders/organizations think about the age of the earth issue?
- Notable Christian Leaders Open to an Old-Earth Interpretation
- Dr. J. P. Moreland
Dr. Jack Hayford (Real Audio, 10 minutes)
- Presbyterian Church of America
- Westminster Theological Seminary
- Gleason Archer, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- Norman Geisler, President at Southern Evangelical Seminary
- Vern Poythress, Theologian at Westminster Theological Seminary
- Walt Kaiser, President at Gordon-Conwell Seminary
- John Jefferson Davis, Theologian at Gordon-Conwell Seminary
- Robert Newman, Physicist and Theologian at Biblical Theological Seminary
- Greg Koukl, President of Stand To Reason
- Doesn't a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 mean that God created everything in six consecutive 24-hour days?
- Does Old-Earth Creationism Contradict Genesis 1?
- Word Studies in Genesis One
- PCA Report on Creation
- Creedal Controversy: The Orthodoxy of "Days"
- Westminster Theological Seminary and the Days of Creation (linked 06-25-2001)
- Reading Between the Fossil Lines
- Four Views of the Biblical Creation Account
- Ten Major Similarities Between Calendar-Day and Day-Age Creationists
- Ten Major Differences Between Calendar-Day and Day-Age Creationists
- Scriptures Related to Creation
Creationists Hugh Ross vs Kent Hovind debate the age of the earth. ... Tags: Kent Hovind and Hugh Ross debate old young earth universe creationism intelligent ... - 23k - 23k
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