Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today is the sixth anniversary of the Iraq war. Six years of violence, hundreds of thousands of deaths, countless billions of wasted funds, and endless sacrifice on the part of our military families. We commemorate this day with prayer and heavy hearts, but also with thankfulness that the end of this war appears to be in sight.

Afghanistan is a different story. The war there has dragged on for more than seven years and, by all accounts, is getting worse. We believe only a surge in funding for diplomacy and development -- not more military escalation -- will bring long-term peace to the troubled region.

Call on President Obama to continue supporting more economic development, not more military escalation, in Afghanistan.

I will personally take this petition to the White House, expressing our opposition to further military escalation, and our support for diplomacy and non-military assistance. Simply sending additional troops will not provide security and stability for the Afghan people....

Jim Wallis, Sojourners

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