Tell CNN Bosses Bias Is Bad for Business
By now you've probably seen the Youtube video of CNN's Susan Roesgen, a reporter who harrassed and goaded attendees at Thursday's Chicago Tea Party.
Here's my response: It seems obvious that the reporter was very upset by the Hitler poster of Obama. After that, she lost her objectivity. The poor girl was in shock and unable to act in a professional manner after seeing that display of pure hatred. She shouldn't have gotten so emotionally involved; but I can understand her reaction.If tax-protesters and other conservatives want their message heard, they'd better remember Marshall McLuhan's theory that "the medium is the message." If you present the message in a mean, ugly manner, it will just be heard as meanness and ugliness. Tax protesters should have taken a lesson from Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee in how to protest and smile at the same time.
Conservatives will never win the hearts and minds of others by using Hitler analogies. Why not write something about THAT!
Patrick Mulhaney
Here are some examples of the ugly, mean-spirited message in posters (see below). Such displays of hatred will eventually, I'm afraid, go way beyond poster-making. And they won't win any debate about important issues.
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