Friday, July 25, 2008

Truthdig on McCain's flashback

Ellen Goodman on McCain, Obama and Iraq
"Refighting the Vietnam War" -- For a long time, John McCain has believed that Vietnam should have, could have had a different ending. So, too, his attention on Iraq has been less on the war’s origin than on some undefined victorious conclusion.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

From Ron Paul

Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

July 14, 2008: Getting Out of Iraq
What will it take to get our troops out of Iraq? The roughly 70 percent of Americans who are firmly against the war often ask this question. Those in power are reluctant to give conditions, but when they do and those conditions are met, the goal post is quietly moved. Voters were promised, passionately and vehemently, that the new Congress would bring our troops home. Many were explicitly elected in 2006 under that banner. But our troops are still overseas, funding has been increased even beyond the administration's wish list, and troop withdrawal has been negotiated away. …

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Salon Article

Answering terror with terror
In "The Dark Side," Jane Mayer chronicles the terrible, destructive decisions the Bush administration made in the name of fighting terrorism.
By Louis Bayard

Sunday, July 13, 2008

AlterNet article: Iraq war about oil

The Iraq War Was About Oil, All Along

The Iraq War Was About Oil, All Along

Oh, no, they told us, Iraq isn't a war about oil. That's
cynical and simplistic, they said. It's about terror and
al-Qaeda and toppling a dictator. Read more »

Friday, July 4, 2008

Salon article

What John McCain didn't learn in Vietnam
In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the former POW insists we could have won. No wonder he talks of occupying Iraq for a century. By Joe Conason