Friday, April 23, 2010

Enforced Celibacy Has Caused Serious Problems For Roman Catholic Priests

Glenn Beck the "Evangelist"

I once liked Glenn Beck when I heard him on radio. But since he's been on FOX T.V., he's gone nuts, and it's made him a LOT of money.

He seems to think he is an extremist right wing fanatic prophet. This 10 minute monologue from Glenn is an example of what I'd call "founders fundamentalism" that implies everybody else is anti-American except those who go along with Glenn and his vision for America (and, after all, he's held some of the letters of the founders with his own grubby fingers!!!).

By the way, if you didn't know it, Glenn is a Mormon.

Bob Cesca Glenn Beck: the Televangelist Con Man Selling...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why the Tea Party Movement Should be Anti-War
by Valerie Elverton Dixon

If today's Tea Party activists want to be true to the spirit of the Boston Tea Party, then their concerns ought to reach beyond anti-taxes , anti-government, anti-deficit, anti-health reform, anti-Obama rhetoric. Our current national debt exists in large part because of our wars.
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