Thursday, January 15, 2009

Patrick: The following article speaks of how some Right wingers are bowing out of the political process into their own fantasy world. I think it'll be interesting to see how the Right evolves over the next 4-8 years. I was a loyal member of the Religious Right, until the Iraq War and watching how certain elements in the Republican Party manipulated the RR by nominally aligning with a couple of issues while they made all kinds of bad decisions in foreign policy. Now I am a partyless person who has seen enough of the corruption of our political process that I'm rather cynical about both major parties. Anyway, the following article is interesting.

Brandon Friedman: Distraught Conservatives Retreating into the Realm of Fantasy

For conservative talking heads and bloggers, 24's Jack Bauer has become a surrogate -- a stand-in -- for the leaders they wish they had.

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