Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scripture and Science

I heard a theistic evolutionist recently at a nearby college. I quizzed him privately after a public Q&A session, and got the distinct impression that he had given up way too much of biblical faith, trying to bend Scripture to conform to his evolutionary worldview. I don't mean to say that evolution is entirely false. Micro-evolution happens, obviously. And maybe God used it in more than small ways. But I find it very difficult to buy the idea that the biblical account of humans being made in God's image can somehow be reconciled with full-blown theistic evolution.

Neither do I believe in young earth creationism, i.e., that the earth is only a few thousand years old. I think that a high view of Scripture can be reconciled with an old earth view. Here are some links to articles, an audio presentation, and a video debate about that view:
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Creationists Hugh Ross vs Kent Hovind debate the age of the earth. ... Tags: Kent Hovind and Hugh Ross debate old young earth universe creationism intelligent ...
www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=DFC57C633601B691 - 23k

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