Friday, September 26, 2008

The first presidential debate

Senators Barack Obama and John McCain had their first debate tonight. One thing came through loud and clear to me: John McCain is angry. Here's how some bloggers saw it:


"McCain is starting to let his contempt for Obama show. He keeps laughing like some sort of disturbed gremlin...."

Rod Dreher:

"...Obama seemed loose and confident and not intimidated by McCain. McCain seemed growly and tense..."

Thomas Schaller:
"Mr. Potty Mouth can be heard muttering “horseshit” under his breath when Obama
pointed out McCain’s resistance to talking with fellow NATO member Spain. We’ll see
if the media picks up on this." Chris Matthews of MSNBC:
Said of McCain “He's grumpy, he's angry."

His grumpiness erupted every few minutes in statements of clear disdain for his opponent -- whom he consistently refused to even look at. What does that refusal to even look at Obama say about his attitude toward his opponent? Someone may have told McCain it would make him look presidential. But instead it looked arrogant and pompous.

I don't agree with every one of Obama's policy positions, but he strikes me as cool-headed and intelligent. McCain seems neither. We don't need an arrogant angry man at the helm of this Ship of State.

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