Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Republican shipwreck
The mighty right-wing Titanic is sinking, and McCain is desperately blaming Bush. But the problem isn't the captain -- it's the ship.
By Gary Kamiya

... It's a historic shipwreck, and the American people are diving off the foundering GOP hulk in droves. In desperation, McCain has tried to blame everything on the ship's captain. Last week, he launched a bitter attack on Bush... the problem isn't Bush, it's American conservatism itself -- or at least the debased, intellectually bankrupt and utterly failed thing that American conservatism has become. For McCain to truly renounce Bush, he'd have to renounce the tax-cut ideologues who have bankrupted the country. He'd have to renounce the neoconservatives who led us into a catastrophic war. He'd have to renounce the culture-war attack dogs like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin who have coarsened conservatism's soul.

In short, he'd have to renounce the Republican Party -- and himself...

CLICK The Republican shipwreck TO READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE

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