Friday, December 12, 2008

Pro & Con re: the auto makers bailout idea

A conservative website ( posted this:

After the House of Representatives rubberstamped a $15 billion bailout package for Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler in a 237-170 mostly party line vote, bailout proceedings croaked in the Senate last night.

See Ron Paul tear the bailout’s mask off during a speech on the House floor on Wednesday and expose it for what it really is. (See video at the top of the page)

A more liberal website posted a different perspective:
Joe Conason on the Auto Crisis
"Dangerous Bias Against Detroit" -- Nearly every current poll shows that most Americans oppose federal assistance to the auto industry, but legislators should also consider how voters would feel if the nation suffered the full consequences of a cratering auto industry—and if those voters then found out that the facts were not quite what they seemed to be.

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