Saturday, March 14, 2009

The moral crisis behind the economic crisis

Sunday School with Jon Stewart (by Jim Wallis)

...In the culmination of a week long “cable network feud,” comedian Jon Stewart had CNBC’s Mad Money host Jim Cramer, and what followed sounded like a mix between a confession and a good old values lessons... There is no denying that there is an economic crisis, but what the economic crisis has revealed is something deeper: a moral crisis.

Stewart in his show talks about two different markets, one based in work and the value of what work can produce, and the other a wild adventure for traders financed by hard-working people’s 401Ks... (Click on the green underlined link above to see the video interview and read Jim Wallis's comments in full. And see the following article for further evidence of the moral crisis.)

AIG paying millions in bonuses depsite massive Federal bailout.

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