Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!


by N. T. Wright

N. T. Wright takes us on a fascinating journey through ancient beliefs about life after death from the shadowy figures who inhabit Homer's Hades, through Plato's hope for a blessed immortality, to the first century, where the Greek and Roman world (apart from the Jews) consistently denied any possibility of resurrection. We then examine ancient Jewish bekiefs on the same subject, from the Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls and beyond.

This was the scene for a full-scale examination of early Christian beliefs about the resurrection in general and that of Jesus in particular, beginning with Paul and working through to the start of the third century. Wright looks at all the evidence, and into it — aross the board — significant modifications?

To answer this question we come to the strange and evocative Easter stories in the gospels and ask whether they can have been late inventions. Wright seeks the best historical conclusions about the empty tomb and the belief that Jesus really did rise bodily from the dead, recognizing that it was this belief that caused early Christians to call Jesus 'Son of God'. In doing so, they posed a political challenge as well as a theological one. These challenges retain their power in the twenty-first century.

Book Contents

Antony Flew, N. T. Wright, and the Resurrection of Jesus ...

Antony Flew, N. T. Wright, and the Resurrection of Jesus. Craig Blomberg's picture. By Craig Blomberg - Posted on March 12th, 2008 ...,-n.-t.-wright,-and-resurrection-jesus - 24k - Cached - Similar pages -

Quick overview of N.T. Wright’s case for the resurrection ...

I thought I would just go over a paper from N.T. Wright, whose multi-volume case for the historicity of the bodily resurrection of Jesus seems to be getting ... - 51k - Cached - Similar pages -

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