Thursday, April 23, 2009

Howard Schweber:
Torture and the Problem of Constitutional Evil: The Way Forward



Howard Schweber: Based on the evidence that is publicly available, I have no hesitation in asserting that Judge Bybee should be subjected to impeachment proceedings, and that Bybee, Yoo, Addington et al. should face disbarment proceedings to determine whether they have violated their fundamental professional responsibilities. Not because the actions they justified were evil, and not even because the actions they justified were unconstitutional, but because they used their art to creatively discover hitherto unknown ways to find justifications for evil and unconstitutional actions. Click here to read more.

Cenk Uygur: What if Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Had Died?

I know what conservatives are screaming into their computers: "But he didn't die! None of them died. So, your question is an absurd hypothetical." In fact, many of them did die.

Bob Cesca: The Tortured Logic of the Torture Superfans

If we can't protect ourselves with our morals intact, we don't deserve to be protected in the first place.

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